Personal attendance for musculoskeletal ultrasound and personal supervision for nuclear medicine imaging services

Factsheet on personal attendance for musculoskeletal ultrasound and personal supervision for nuclear medicine imaging services to alert medical practitioners to temporary changes in this space.

Page last updated: 13 October 2023

The Department of Health has been applying the below interpretation of the rules for personal attendance for musculoskeletal ultrasound and personal supervision for positron emission tomography (PET) nuclear medicine imaging services due to the impact of COVID-19 on service provision.

Where COVID-19 response protocols restricted providers from attending patients in person, providers could continue to provide musculoskeletal ultrasound and PET nuclear medicine imaging services. The usual rules still needed to be followed where COVID-19 response protocols did not prevent personal attendance or personal supervision.

This interpretation of the personal supervision rules will continue, allowing medical practitioners who are unable to personally attend the patient due to COVID-19 response protocols to provide the service where it is medically necessary and safe to do so.

The usual rules must be followed in circumstances where personal supervision is not prevented.

Note: From 1 November 2023, changes have been made to the supervision requirements for the provision of musculoskeletal ultrasound services. For updated information please see the Diagnostic Imaging Services Table - Changes to musculoskeletal ultrasound supervision requirements factsheet for more information.

Further information can be found in the factsheet below:

PDF version Personal attendance and personal supervision during COVID-19 (PDF 174 KB)
Word version Personal attendance and personal supervision during COVID-19 (Word 80 KB)

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