How are new procedures assessed for inclusion into the MBS?

New medical technologies or procedures should be assessed by the Medical Services Advisory Committee before they can be recommended for public funding.

Page last updated: 07 October 2008

The Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) is an independent scientific committee comprising individuals with expertise in clinical medicine, health economics and consumer matters. It advises the Minister for Health and Ageing on whether new medical services should be publicly funded based on an assessment of their safety, effectiveness and cost effectiveness, using the best available evidence.

This process ensures that Australians have access to medical services that have been shown to be safe and clinically effective, as well as representing value for money for both patients and taxpayers.

The MSAC undertakes a rigorous and transparent assessment of new medical technologies in consultation with the applicant. The MSAC assessment cycle involves five stages from application to possible funding. The MSAC's role ends with the formulation of advice to the Minister for Health and Ageing.

The MSAC website at contains all the information required in making a submission to the MSAC under the link "MSAC Application Process". The MSAC application forms and guidelines are available for download from the website.

Prior to submitting an application, it is strongly recommended that a prelodgement meeting is held with the MSAC Secretariat.

The prelodgement meeting provides an opportunity to discuss:

  • the MSAC process;
  • eligibility criteria;
  • definition of a medical service; and
  • data requirements.

Should you require further information or wish to arrange a prelodgement meeting please do not hesitate to contact the MSAC Secretariat by phone on (02) 6289 6811 or by email at