April 2023 downloads

Files for April 2023 changes to the MBS

Page last updated: 23 May 2023

XML Data File

File TypeDownload optionsNotes
XMLMBS-XML-20230405 (XML 7816 KB)File released on 16 May 2023, effective 5 April 2023.
 This file amends the fee for item 21215.

Viewing the XML
In order to view the XML you will need to right click on the document link and select the "save link" option. Once saved you will be able to open the document from it's saved location.

Exporting into Microsoft Excel
To export the XML into Microsoft Excel you will need to follow the below steps:
    1. Save the XML file to your computer
    2. Open Excel and from the toolbar select File, Open, find the XML you saved and select "open"
    3. This will import the XML file into a new worksheet. Select "as an XML table", click ok, then ok again.

MBS Book Creation

The Department of Health and Aged Care currently publishes the MBS Book in March, July and November each year. When publishing the MBS book for 1 July each year we publish the book in full form and by category both in PDF and Word format.

If you would like a complete list of all current MBS item numbers in the MBS Book format outside of this time, you may wish to use the create publication function at 
http://www9.health.gov.au/mbs/createPublication.cfm. Further instructions on how to create this is available on the create publication page.

NotePlease refer to the how do I use the XML file assistance page for information on the XML file
Item Map, Item Descriptors, and Re-Use Item Map. These files are available on the Downloads page