Summary of Changes for July 2019

This page contains information on changes to the MBS that occurred during July 2019.

Page last updated: 23 November 2020

Summary of Item Changes

Deleted Items
899 901 905 906 2095 2144 2180 2193

Description Amended
111 115 117 120 51300 51303 51800 51803 55221 55222 55244 55246 55248

New Notes
IN.1.1 IN.1.2

Notes Amended
AN.7.1 DN.1.17 IN.0.1 IN.0.5

Deleted Notes
AN.7.28 AN.30.2

Indexation to all GP, specialist and allied health attendances, and therapeutic and procedural items
From 1 July 2019, a 1.6% increase will apply to all GP, specialist and allied health attendances. Therapeutic and procedural items will also be indexed.

Correction to Description of Item 55248
The text for description of item 55248 in the XML file has been adjusted to ensure that it is aligned to descriptor for item 55248 on MBS Online and the wording used in the Health Insurance (Diagnostic Imaging Services Table) Regulations 2019. There has been no substantive change to the item or changes to the item under legislation.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Ultrasound Item Changes
Claiming restrictions have been added to items 55244 and 55246 (and NK equivalents) to prevent these items being claimed for the same patient on the same day. The Explanatory Notes for these items have also been amended to include reference to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists' Choosing Wisely recommendations about deep vein thrombosis. Note – there was an error in the revised descriptor for item 55244 in the XML, DOC, PDF and ZIP files originally released. This has now been corrected in those files. MBS Online will reflect the correct descriptor from 1 July 2019.